Monday, 15 December 2008

How many cat treats does $50billion buy?

Lots of depressing news today.

I watched an interview with John Varley, the head of Barclays, where Daddy banks. He seemed to have some interest in depressing the rest of us. He forecast a big rise in unemployment and a big fall in house prices. Obviously neither of these directly affect me as I don't have a job or own a house. But I will probably suffer the effects. For example, instead of my nice posh cat biscuits, I am now being fed supermarket own brand. Yuk.

It was funny that he was saying that banks should apologise for their behaviour when I didn't hear his apology for Barclays' contribution to the mess we are all in. Perhaps I missed it when I went to get a biscuit?

I also read about a big fraud that some New Yorker committed. Apparently he stole $50bn but I don't even know what that means. I need someone to explain that in cat terms. How many tubs of my favourite cat treats for example?

I assume more than enough to feed me and all my mates too. Perhaps all the cats of England? Perhaps ALL cats?? My little cat brain can't comprehend it.

Next week it will be my first Christmas! I am quite looking forward to it, I hope I get nice presents (I have asked Santa for this book), but Daddy has been threatening to put me in the roasting tin if his financial situation doesn't improve. Has anyone got the number for the RSPCA?

1 comment:

YowlYY said...

Man, Pixel...for a cat you do watch an awful lot of TV! Don't be too worried though...your dad is only joking when he says he's going to eat you...surely?
My mum would never eat us, she's a vegetarian, but my dad sometimes jokes about rabbit pie...oh...uh...

- Miss Eve