Wednesday, 7 January 2009


Sorry about my rant the other day, I'm feeling much better, Christmas is but a distant memory. My human (still not quite ready to call him Daddy again) is feeling a bit guilty and has been good, playing fetch with me lots and giving me little treats.

I'm also feeling less worried about the economy, maybe the worst is over? Or is that just my youthful naivety speaking? I was concerned that a big retailer would go under, but they all seem ok, and of course I'm relieved that M&S is ok (despite shutting lots of shops), I just love Marks and Spencers.

(That's me searching for my treats in a M&S bag)

Finally, who could be cross when there are such cute creatures as these in the world? Yes I know they are dogs, who are obviously evil personified, but these are white fluffy dogs so they are just about ok. I wonder if I could get some black spots and be a Dalma-cat?

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