Thursday 8 January 2009

misplaced optimism

I think I was feeling prematurely positive yesterday about the economy. The drop in interest rates is just weird, it just makes it even harder for banks to make a profit by screwing over their customers. Poor banks. Apparently even more of them might be nationalised. I don't like the idea of Gordon Brown running everything. Maybe that's his evil plan, to destabilise the economy so much so that he can take it over and just be the most powerful prime minister ever?? He does have delusions of grandeur, he did talk about "saving the world, I mean, the economy", the other day.

I heard that the Government is considering propping up the economy by printing more money, which just sounds like madness. We are going to turn into Zimbabwe before we know it, with a can of cat food costing £50,000 or something.

Oh dear.

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